Web Elements
Text Fields, Select Lists, Radios, Checkboxes, Buttons, Links, Divs, Spans
b = Watir::Browser.start 'bit.ly/watir-webdriver-demo' t = b.text_field id: 'entry_1000000' s = b.select_list id: 'entry_1000001' r = b.radio value: 'A gem' c = b.checkbox value: '1.9.2' btn = b.button value: 'Submit' l = b.link text: 'Google Forms' d = b.div class: 'ss-form-desc ss-no-ignore-whitespace' s = b.span class: 'powered-by-text'
- Frames
b.iframe(id: 'outside').iframe(id: 'inside').div.text
- Browser Popups / Window
When a new browser window is opened, you can then ‘use’ the new window.
browser.window(title: 'annoying popup').use do browser.button(id: 'close').click end
Locating Elements
ID, Name, TagName, ClassName, Text, Visible Text, Data Attributes, Aria Attributes
Valid or Custom Attributes, labl, Index, Presence/Absence/Multiple Classes, Presence/Absence Attributes, Visible, Adjacent Nodes
b.div id: 'header' b.text_field name: /new_user_email/ b.element tag_name: 'div' b.text_field class: 'name' b.button text: /Button/ b.button visible_text: 'Button' b.p data_type: /ruby-library/ b.p aria_label: 'ruby-library' b.link href: /non.html/ b.text_feild label: 'With text' b.div index: 2 b.text_field class: ['tr', 'odd'] b.div data_bar: false b.div visible: false anchor_element.parent(selectors) anchor_element.previous_sibling(selectors) anchor_element.following_sibling(selectors) anchor_element.siblings(selectors) anchor_element.child(selectors) anchor_element.children(selectors)
- wait_until, wait_while
browser.text_field(title: 'Search').when_present.set 'Hello World!' # deprecated browser.wait_until { |b| b.title == "Foo" } browser.window(title: "Foo")wait_while(&:exists?) browser.alert.wait_until { |a| a.text == "foo" } browser.button(name: 'submit').wait_until(&:enabled?) browser.text_field(title: 'Search').wait_until(message: "Can't find it" &:present?)
The default timeout for Watir’s Waits is 30 seconds. You can pass in the
keyword parameter to any of the wait methods, or you can change the global default with:Watir.default_timeout = 60
- when_present
Watir 6.0 deprecated
and #when_enabled
and every action call on an element effectively executes this logic by default.Note that Watir does its automatic waiting when taking actions, not when attempting to locate. This provides additional flexibility for querying the state of an element without needing unnecessary waits.
- wait_while_present, wait_until_present
browser = Watir::Browser.new browser.goto 'example.com' # Add browser.cookies.add 'foo', 'bar', path: '/path', expires: (Time.now + 10000), secure: true browser.cookies.to_a # => [] # List (wrong path) browser.goto 'example.com/path' # List (right path) browser.cookies.to_a browser.cookies.save '.cookies' # Save to File browser.cookies.load '.cookies' # Load from a File browser.cookies.delete 'foo' # Delete specific cookie browser.cookies.clear # Delete All cooies
JS Popups: Alerts, Confirms, Prompt
browser.alert.exists? # Check if alert is shown browser.alert.text # Get text of alert browser.alert.ok # Close alert / Accept confirm / Accept prompt browser.alert.close # Close alert / Cancel confirm / Accept prompt browser.alert.set 'Prompt answer' # Enter text to prompt